Search Engine Optimization Services

SEO is simply the art of making your content more acceptable to search engines. Every image you create, every title, headline, paragraph, alt tag, page name, category name, url, bolded text, hyperlink, hosting setup, and every change you make on your website has value towards your rankings at the search engines. SEO is about organizing your content in such a way that Google appreciates it more than your competition.

How does it benefit you?

Did you know? Over 75% of all products or services purchased online or off first began with a search engine. People have stopped using the yellow or white pages to find what they're looking for. If you can do it on your own, it's free advertising. No longer do companies have to take out $2000 color ads in magazines to spread the word. If you can simply be listed highly in the SERPs (search engine ranking pages), you're getting better visibility than any other form of advertising. Not just visibility, this traffic converts at a higher rate too. More traffic means more opportunity to sell.

SEO, then what?

It really is a two fold process. Getting traffic is one thing, converting it is another. We walk a fine line making your content more appealing to Google while also making it able to convert humans once they arrive. There are a variety of ways to address that and each website is unique but understand this; Your website is your first impression to a new audience.

Could you present yourself in a better clearer way? Cleaner, clearer websites are more trustworthy. No purchase is made online or off until the trust barrier is removed. What people see and hear builds or breaks down trust. If your website isn't polished, that may be your biggest problem. We help build trust through repetitive touch points with your brand online but also on your site as necessary. The over all effect of your search engine presence coupled with trust indicators on your site raises your brand's trust factor overall with your target audience thereby making sales a far smoother experience.

A Warning about Black Hat SEO

The world of SEO is filled with a lot of people using black hat tactics to achieve temporary results. These tactics involve planting links on other websites without the owners consent or knowledge, giving one page to Google and a different one to the web visitor using the same URL, keyword stuffing and more. The lasting effect is poisonous to your domain name and its reputation. Black haters are easy to identify. When Google changes their algorithm, these are the first people to panic. Sites they've touched tend to fall rapidly. Be careful who you hire for SEO. These tactics along with Google's new distrust of your site, are often very hard to undo.

Google is in business to give searchers what they're looking for. When webmasters make their content more clear, this only helps. Google changes their algorithm primarily to combat black hat manipulations. If you'll simply stick to producing quality content, you should never have to worry about wild swings in your rankings. We've never had a website get punished from anything we've done online.

Let Us Make You More Successful

Winning with a website is about broadcasting your products and services AND building different ways to catch or convert incoming traffic. It's a two fold process. If this makes sense to you, click on the banner above or below and lets get started building you a winning website online.

Success Stories

Item 2Over the years, we've produced a lot of great results for our customers. The image to the left shows how quickly your site can get to the first page of results.

Here's a Law firm client with a massive amount of keyword phrases. They had over 20 differnet websites with around 20 individual keyword phrases each.

Some other keyword phrases and rankings we've obtained over the years:

#3 for 'security cameras', 'surveillance equipment', #1 for 'baseball equipment', #3 for ‘baseball bats', #4 for 'baseball gloves', '#2 for baseball shoes', #2 for "workholding fastener", #8 for "dovetail vise", #7 for ‘louisiana campsites’, #9 for ‘texas campsites’, #3 for ‘thewoodlands ac repair’, #1 for ‘thewoodlands heater repair’, #2 for ‘quincy heater repair’, #7 for "buy hay online", #9 for "hay for sale houston", #2 for "buy bermuda hay" (This client was so successful that he had to stop taking calls), #5 for "winipeg self storage'

What do you want to rank well for at Google? We can make it happen!

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